Bothy Time : a retreat for creative regrowth

Hello dear wanderer

How are you?

I've not long come back to the world of the city. Well in fact a week ago but it's taken a while to 'be' back.

You see I've just spent a week in 'Narnia'. I've even been reading about adventures of the Moomins and channelling Tove Jansson!

There were 2 days where I didn't see or speak to any other human being and the only time I used my voice was when I was joyfully singing along to the radio.

I asked myself the day I came home and felt overwhelmed by the heat, the noise and the light-

What do you mean the rest of my days aren't going to be just like that!?

I could have stayed there longer but I've got lots to do and a new collection of things to explore now that I've had my soul refreshed a little. I am back to share some of my creativity with you.

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Bright cold days and

ice inside stars,

Glistening moon crescent

in present breath,

Slow nurtured soul.

Home, solo.


Capable courage

and kindness,

takes earth footsteps

one at a time.


Radio wiggles and laughs

light flickers.

Writing at night of the glory of the day,

showing up to create.


Fresh creativity grows

by letting go

and doing something.

Chopping wood and

conversations with Robin,

while the sun sits by the shiny crackle edged river.


Light of blue and gold

depth of beauty

heartbeat slowed.

Ears dancing in silence

focused and whole.

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Grief of leaving, saying goodbye

gratitude to all abounds.

For the trees and the ground

the sky and  snow

to the patterns left behind

and moments held in memory.


I will be sharing more of my creative explorations and learnings from my retreat time in the Cairngorms over the coming weeks and months. 

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With warmth and wonder

Jaimie xx