Dreams in busyland

Recently I've been doing lots of very exciting and wonderful things- more about those in my next post- but all of a sudden I've found myself BUSY. Most people ask me if I'm busy and I say yes I'm busy, but in the back of my mind i think, 'yes, that's fab that i'm busy but why does that matter more than my wellbeing?' I must remember busy-ness sickness- I want to feel ease and peace in what I'm doing on a day to day basis and create habits to bring myself back to the general direction of the 'path'. I want you to feel that too. Not a predetermined , 'you- must- not- stray' path, but an often meandering path that is aligned with values and dreams.

Now I know when you are BUSY it's can be hard to get out of BUSY and slow down enough to cast your eyes and your heart across your life/business. To see what's going on and where you are headed, even in the short term. It can feel like just another thing on your to-do list right? But my goodness it's important!!

This morning is one of those mornings for me, where I'm giving myself permission to stop and look around. Despite have lots to do this week, I know if i don't take a beat now I'll be off in busyland for a good few weeks to come and it'll be much harder to find my way back.

So what am I actually going to DO to bring myself back to centre and the 'path' today?

- Go outside for a walk/ mindful walking meditation- probably barefoot in my local park. I'll most likely have a positive talk with myself while I'm there...inwardly of course! 

- Find a peaceful spot outside and get out my trusty notebook- write and doodle/mindmap about where my values and dreams are being nurtured in my life and business right now and what areas feel like they need more attention and care. The act of writing it down and creating visuals around the themes will help them become more real and stick in your mind as they flow from you and evolve.

- Talk to a supportive group of people and reconnect with their positive and empowering energy- right now I've found a wonderful space in Judith Morgan's- Small business Big Magic group . being in a group of like-minded people who are on a similar path and facing similar challenges feels amazing! 

-  Declutter a little - even if it's just 5 minutes and the area directly around my workspace for the day to help feel more concious and clear headed.

Oh I feel better already, I'm off outside!  

How about you? What will you do to get yourself back from busyland and back to your dreams and values today?

with warmth and wonder

Jaimie x