You can make a difference today...what will it be?


‘You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you. What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make’ - Jane Goodall

I always hope that I am making a difference with what I do, and how I show up in the world, I imagine that you might feel the same way. 

Sometimes you can see and feel the difference, sometimes it’s not so obvious. Sometimes it’s directly reflected back to you by way of a gesture of recognition and thanks. Hopefully you are always thanked, but I know it doesn’t always happen.

I’ve been aware of quite a few moments of gratitude for my actions recently, they have lifted me up in moments of doubt and tiredness and I have so deeply appreciated them.

A couple of specific examples have really jumped out recently

I have been curating an exhibition called Re:See It 3 - positive creative responses to Sustainability and Climate Change. This exhibition was first shown as part of ArtCOP Scotland and ArtCOP 21 - in association with the Paris Climate Talks- at St Margaret’s House and then later installed at Gayfield Creative Spaces.

One day while busying myself with sorting out the artwork going from one venue to another I was thanked and acknowledged for the work I put into a successful show. I cried and felt such a sense of relief in that moment that my efforts and care were enough.

Then, on opening night of the 2nd showing at Gayfield I was delighted to be presented with a medal!

YES a MEDAL for ME! :)

Not just any old medal either, a sweet handmade medal entitled ‘Small Change for a Big difference’ made from reclaimed ribbon and a reclaimed coin, in a beautifully considered package.

  It was commissioned from one of the artists taking part in the show- Nicola Murray from Derring- Do medals.

I have been wearing it with pride and every time I see it it will remind me to know that I have made a difference and give me strength to continue on my path in helping lift people up, to learn along the way and to be able to see where I can help and decide where to best use my energy to make an impact.

So I'm curious, do you know what kind of difference you want to make?

Where are you already making a difference in the world, big or small?

How do you know you are making a difference? How does it feel?

Where else would you like to make a difference?


And most importantly I want to say...

THANK YOU for the difference that you make every day.

Join in the conversation in the comments below or over on facebook

With warmth and wonder

See you in 2016

Jaimie x