


Have you ever noticed the small pockets of nature that surround you on a daily basis, even in the depths of the city? Have you felt the moment of peace that they offer you? Do you want to?

This project was dreamt up in a moment of clarity about the chances we don't take to notice, to slow down , to breathe and appreciate the beauty and peace that is right in front of you, right within you, in the countryside and especially in our natural urban environments. 

The #patchofpeace project is here to help you to slow down and find the peace in the noise, whether the noise be in the street or in your head.

I'd like to invite you to join the challenge and share your discoveries over on the Made Curious facebook page

Simply download the template and follow the guide below

How to join in with #patchofpeace

  1. Print out and cut out your heart templates
  2. With at least one of your heart templates, a pen of your choice and some blutac or a drawing pin, and a camera, go out for a walk. Give yourself at least half an hour to begin exploring your surroundings. 
  3. Begin to notice what green spaces are around you, even if they are only small. You might notice that the edge of the pavement has grasses growing from it, or the lcal park has a particular corner that draws you attention. Take the opportunity to look closer, to explore the details of what you find there, but also, really importantly how it makes you feel to be there.
  4. If you first impressions of that patch are positive, stay a bit longer than you might normally. take a seat, breathe and relax in that space. let your eyes and ears settle and notice what is around you.
  5. Keep paying attention to the aspects of that space that you can now appreciate more fully, how it looks or sounds, how it feels to be there, particular colours, or textures are you being drawn to. You might want to note what you are noticing and feeling in a notebook. Anything you are feeling is ok. 
  6. Once you feel you have at least one thing that you love about that #patchofpeace, take a moment to think about how you would like to express it on your #patchofpeace heart.
  7. Write down on your heart the thing/s you love and appreciate right here and now about this place. Start your phrase with something like - ' I <3 this #patchofpeace because...'. 
  8. Find a spot in that #patchofpeace to stick your heart for a time so you can record the moment with a photograph. Be sure to remove the heart when you are done so your #patchofpeace heart does not turn into litter.
  9. Come and play and share your #patchofpeace on the Made Curious facebook page.  remember to use Hashtag #patchfpeace whereever you post it. 
  10. Encourage others to join in by sharing this page so they can download the templates too. 

Thank you and happy #patchofpeace moments