Pop Up Peace is an experiment in creating peace, connection and belonging in our busy lives.

It's about really noticing our local and sometimes neglected pockets of green space and transforming them to boost our well-being and creativity.

For this first free trial afternoon- Thursday 17th July 1-5pm- I'd like to invite you to come along and say hello and have a seat next to me.

I'd like to get to know some of you and maybe, with your permission see if I can help you with an area of your life you might be feeling stuck with at the moment and help you figure out what the next step is.

Or I'd love to hear about your inspiration and dreams and your feelings about your sense of belonging in this city.

I hope it will be an afternoon for learning and connecting for me and you, and I hope it will bring some ease, peace and smiles to you.

Possibilities for the future

I'm imagining this project being nomadic, travelling to a green space on local residential Edinburgh streets where people can meet and talk with each other, share and learn from one another, or share and learn with me. A space that is creative and evolving, a place for inner or outer work, a place for play, but always a place for peacefulness and connection.

I really look forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoon! 

with warmth and wonder

Jaimie xx