International Connect to Nature Day


21st September 2014

The seasons are about to change and we want to encourage you wherever you are to deepen your connection to nature wherever you are in the world.

Perfect timing!

September 22nd/23rd is very special as it is the Autumn equinox in the Northern hemisphere, so our season is about to transition it's glorious summer into the splendour of autumn, but not only that, it is the Spring Equinox in the Southern hemisphere- where chilly days will begin to turn to brightly crisp and sunnier days with perhaps the promise of splashes of flowers beginning to appear! Double celebrations!

To mark this we are inviting as many people as possible to join us for a day of creatively connecting to natural places and spaces near you, all over the world. AND we would love it if you would share your actions with others so they can be inspired to to join in too!

Connection with nature starts with small but regular visits to nature, slowly but surely regaining our confidence in these spaces and places. But wherever you are on that reconnection journey, you can always give nature ONE MORE MOMENT to pay it attention, nurture it and be inspired by its wonder

For some ideas on what you could do to mark International Connect to Nature Day check out the links below.

But whatever you do please let us know by using #connect2natureday hashtag on social media, follow us and share your adventures on facebook 'International Connect to Nature Day

Visit the project website on



Dandilion trail - 07 May 2013.jpg